Liability Coverage
Those portions of an insurance policy which protect you from lawsuits are what we refer to as liability coverage. If you are being sued or threatened with a suit, Rounds Law Office will help you get the liability coverage you deserve.
First Party Coverage
Claims you make directly against your own insurer are known as first party claims. Examples include property damage, fire, theft, and injuries caused by underinsured drivers. In any of the following circumstances, Rounds Law Office may be able to help:
Bad Faith
Insurers have a legal duty to deal with their insureds in good faith. Oregon and Washington both have statutes which regulate the way insurers handle claims. Both states prohibit unfair claims practices such as denying a claim without adequate investigation, misrepresenting the facts or the policy language, or unreasonably delaying payment.
Enforcing those rules in Washington is easier than in Oregon because Washington’s statutes have more teeth. For example, Washington’s Insurance Fair Conduct Act (IFCA) gives the trial discretion to award treble damages when an insurer denies a claim in bad faith. Insurers are wary of IFCA claims, and this wariness can make it relatively easy to secure a quick settlement.
At Rounds Law Office, we know how to lay the groundwork for a successful IFCA claim. We have found IFCA to be especially helpful when insurers have improperly cut off PIP benefits and when they have made low ball offers on underinsured motorist (UIM) claims.
Contact Us to learn more.